created my first OpenSource project in 2003 on SourceForge with CVS - FirmWorx
did build up loadtesting suits based on apache jmeter for websites and apis
automated more then one deployment process to be "one click" and reduced deployment fear with these scripts
did move a product from "the biggest server at 1und1" to an actuall horizontal scalable system architechture
created and extended multiple SOAP APIs, a few still alive'n'kickn today
was a contributer to CakePHP 0.10
was using Typo3 (back when it was Typo version 3) and was able to write templates in Typoscript
did kill a whole frontend cluster with 3 lines of PHP - oopsie, will never happen again, i swear
had a few pages build with PHPNuke hosted on tripod
once put the ActiveX version of Clippy on a website - sorry for that
had a horrible month evalutating MySQL Cluster (NDB) a few weeks after it was put out in the wild
went through the process of documenting and refactoring bitmaksed fields with non descriptive names in a database to an actuall usable Entity with getters and setters
did implemented new features in a compiled javascript chat application (GWT based), because my employer did not want to pay extra for the source access - i had the matrix view after 3 days, i saw structure in compiled javascript, nobody should ever go through this. NOBODY!!!!11111